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Helping you take back control of the way you eat

My Mission

Here at Midlife Wellness Nutrition I am dedicated to helping women finally take control of their nutrition. During our time together you will have a personalised plan which is tailored specifically to you. Rather than giving you a meal plan or telling you what and when to eat, I will educate you on what foods really are and how they can affect you and your body. No foods are off limits but you will finally have an understanding of what foods need to be limited in order for you to reach your goal.

Do you feel lost and out of control with the way you eat?
Then here's how I can help you.

Personalised plans specifically to you

I know that we are all individual and all have different goals, requirements and struggles. That's why I offer a one off in depth consultation at the beginning of the plan so I can get a full understanding of where you have come from and where you want to be. 

1:1Nutrition Coaching

My nutrition coaching provides you with the knowledge and understanding of how different foods impact your body, giving you the confidence to make informed choices. I will only ever guide you and will never tell you what and when to eat, I believe it's important to make your own choices around food. And more importantly I will never, ever shame you and make you feel a sense of guilt around the way you eat.

Mindset around food

It's not as simple as eat less and move more, yes we have to look at the calories and macronutrients but if it was that easy then we would all be walking around in the perfect bodies. The way we eat is very habitual so we will look in depth into the mindset around food and the habits you have formed over the years.

Success Stories

Suzie T

"I found Cheryl very approachable and I felt I could contact her anytime if I had a question or query.

I’ve really enjoyed the last 12 weeks, I’ve not once found myself being deprived of the things I love, I’ve found my love for cooking again and my confidence has massively increased.

The knowledge that I’ve gained has been invaluable and I will continue to apply everything I’ve learnt in the future."


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